Halis aydemir autobiography featuring

Halis Aydemir Kuran ve Hadis Dersleri profile picture.

  • Halis Aydemir Kuran ve Hadis Dersleri profile picture.
  • The Rotterdam Study is funded by Erasmus MC and Erasmus University Rotterdam; the.
  • Halis AYDEMIR [mhkSearch] => ska sorulan sorular semineri i 25.11.2023 i nsan vakf abdal kltr merkezi bursa by prof.
  • Aydemir, Makedonya'dan Orta Asya'ya Enver Paşa (Istanbul: Remzi,.
  • This document discusses inheritance according to the Quran.
  • Halis AYDEMIR [mhkSearch] => ska sorulan sorular semineri i 25.11.2023 i nsan vakf abdal kltr merkezi bursa by prof.!

    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halis Aydemir



    He was born in Erzurum in 1974.

    Soon after he moved to Germany and then to Saudi Arabia with his parents.

    The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers.

    He started his education at Medresetü’n-Nu‘mân İbn Beşîr in Jeddah. After the first four grades, he completed his primary education at the Medresetü’l-İmâm eş-Şâfi‘î primary school in Medina. Then in 1985 he attended secondary education at Erzurum vocational religious high school.

    In 1988 he was graduated from this school and in the same year he attended the ErzurumHigh School. In 1991 he attended the IstanbulTechnicalUniversity (İ.T.Ü.), Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

    Aydemir, Makedonya'dan Orta Asya'ya Enver Paşa (Istanbul: Remzi,.

    He was graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering in 1995. In the same year he attended the post graduate program in the UludağUniversity, Institute of Social Sciences on Hadith. In 1998 he received his Master of Science degree with his thesis on “Improving technology and the Hints of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.)”