Autobiography of malcolm x themes dashboard

What are some of malcolm x's lasting contributions to the civil rights movement?!

Autobiography of malcolm x summary pdf

  • Autobiography of malcolm x summary pdf
  • Malcolm x autobiography chapters
  • What are some of malcolm x's lasting contributions to the civil rights movement?
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  • Malcolm x autobiography quotes chapter 1
  • These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own.

    Because it is the autobiography of a black man living during a time when the black population was suppressed and forced to live almost completely separated from the white population, the major theme is racism and the way black people are perceived by those around them.

    The autobiography presents two different ways of thinking: the classic American one in which the blacks are considered inferior and thus not allowed to rise above the status given to them by other white men; and an Islamic perception with which Malcolm comes into contact when he visits Mecca.

    The autobiography of malcolm x chapter 18

    There, Malcolm is able to see blacks and whites cohabiting in peace and harmony and without considering themselves better compared to the person next to them. Malcolm is shocked to see this but also pleasantly surprised to see that the world is not as he imagined it.

    If until then Malc