Lev Raphael (born May 19, 1954) is an American writer of Jewish heritage....
Lev Raphael, b.
Lev Raphael
American writer of Jewish heritage (born 1954)
Lev Raphael (born May 19, 1954) is an American writer of Jewish heritage.[1] He has published work in a variety of genres, including literary fiction, murder mysteries, fantasy, short stories, memoir and non-fiction,[1] and is known for being one of the most prominent LGBT figures in contemporary Jewish American literature.[2] He is one of the first American-Jewish writers to publish fiction about children of Holocaust survivors, beginning to do so in 1978.
He was born as Reuben Lewis Steinberg in New York City.[2] His Holocaust survivor parents were culturally Jewish but not religious. As an adult, he changed his name to Lev as a part of reclaiming his Jewish heritage,[1] and later adopted the surname Raphael to reaffirm his Jewishness and abandoned a German one.[1]
He studied English at Fordham University[2] and creative writing