As a teenager, Harris seemed to have the world in front of her: Everyone loved to hear her sing, she had a regular gig at Renfro Valley, and the support of....
The drugged out and jailed Tasha Harris was a great bluegrass singer and a star at Renfro Valley until she stumbled onto the Oxy-c.
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beegee - Posted - 03/22/
I just saw a singer named Tasha Harris on Reno's Old-Time Music Festival.
She apparently lost her job at Renfro Valley because of her drug and alcohol problems. Does anybody know where she is now and if she's singing? I really like her voice and style.
steve davis - Posted - 03/22/
Sad story
thkidd - Posted - 03/23/
This really is a sad story.
Such a waste of talent, but even worse, a waste of an opportunity to get herself straightened out. I feel sorry for her, but even more for her daughter.
Tasha Harris – Lonesome Dove Reno began airing his show in 1993 on another network as “Reno's Old Time Music Festival.” It was the first and only national.I pray that through this she will somehow find the help she needs in order to beat her problem.
wombat61 - Posted - 04/28/
I agree. I also saw her on Reno's show. Her voice was flawless.