Tasha harris bluegrass singer biography

As a teenager, Harris seemed to have the world in front of her: Everyone loved to hear her sing, she had a regular gig at Renfro Valley, and the support of....

The drugged out and jailed Tasha Harris was a great bluegrass singer and a star at Renfro Valley until she stumbled onto the Oxy-c.

  • The drugged out and jailed Tasha Harris was a great bluegrass singer and a star at Renfro Valley until she stumbled onto the Oxy-c.
  • 3:28.
  • As a teenager, Harris seemed to have the world in front of her: Everyone loved to hear her sing, she had a regular gig at Renfro Valley, and the support of.
  • From the Sub-Series: This series represents part of the extensive research created by Dr. Daniel for his country music papers and publications.
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    beegee - Posted - 03/22/ 

    I just saw a singer named Tasha Harris on Reno's Old-Time Music Festival.

    She apparently lost her job at Renfro Valley because of her drug and alcohol problems. Does anybody know where she is now and if she's singing? I really like her voice and style.

    steve davis - Posted - 03/22/ 

    Sad story

    thkidd - Posted - 03/23/ 

    This really is a sad story.

    Such a waste of talent, but even worse, a waste of an opportunity to get herself straightened out. I feel sorry for her, but even more for her daughter.

    Tasha Harris – Lonesome Dove Reno began airing his show in 1993 on another network as “Reno's Old Time Music Festival.” It was the first and only national.

    I pray that through this she will somehow find the help she needs in order to beat her problem.

    wombat61 - Posted - 04/28/ 

    I agree. I also saw her on Reno's show. Her voice was flawless.