Nehemiah 7:7
Nehemiah 7:21!
Nehemiah was no slouch. He was sharp, efficient, and focused to a fault. And when, as a veteran statesman, he turned his focus to the rebuilding of old Jerusalem and the exacting of religious reforms, nothing and no one was allowed to stand in his way.
Nehemiah surveying the walls of Jerusalem
Born in exile, Nehemiah eventually rose to the position of cup-bearer to the Persian king, Artaxerxes I. Combining the roles of “prime minister” with master of ceremonies, the position of cup-bearer was a key role, providing confidential access to the king. Nehemiah, a devout Jew, must have possessed profound gifts and a winning personality to ascend to such heights in Persian government.
On the day Nehemiah’s brother returned to Persia from a visit to Jerusalem, he drew a sad and ugly picture of a holy city, now with toppled walls and listless inhabitants. Heartbroken, Nehemiah began to weep. He spent several days fasting and praying