Kurt godel mathematician biography

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Kurt Gödel's father was Rudolf Gödel whose family were from Vienna. Rudolf did not take his academic studies far as a young man, but had done well for himself becoming managing director and part owner of a major textile firm in Brünn.

Kurt's mother, Marianne Handschuh, was from the Rhineland and the daughter of Gustav Handschuh who was also involved with textiles in Brünn.

How did kurt gödel die

  • Kurt gödel iq
  • Kurt gödel wife
  • Kurt gödel incompleteness theorem
  • Kurt gödel biography
  • Rudolf was 14 years older than Marianne who, unlike Rudolf, had a literary education and had undertaken part of her school studies in France. Rudolf and Marianne Gödel had two children, both boys. The elder they named Rudolf after his father, and the younger was Kurt.

    Kurt had quite a happy childhood.

    Kurt gödel incompleteness theorem

    He was very devoted to his mother but seemed rather timid and troubled when his mother was not in the home. He had rheumatic fever when he was six years old, but after he recovered life went on much as before. However, when he was eight years old be began to read medical books about the illness he had