Abram biography

Who are the 12 sons of abraham...

Who is the father of abraham in the bible

  • Abraham children
  • Who are the 12 sons of abraham
  • When was abraham born
  • Abraham story
  • God said to Abraham: "Look up at the heavens and count the stars—if indeed you can count them…. So shall your offspring be" (Gen. 15:5)

    Abraham (Hebrew אַבְרָהָםAvraham "Father/Leader of many," Arabic ابراهيمIbrāhīm) was the original patriarch of Judaism, recognized as the "father of faith" by Christianity, and an extremely important prophet in Islam.

    The story of his life is told in the Book of Genesis and in the Qur'an. In both scriptures, Abraham is characterized as having exemplary faith, a living relationship with the personal God who directs his life.

    When was abraham born and died

    Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are sometimes referred to as the "Abrahamic religions" because of the role Abraham plays in their holy books and beliefs. The Hebrew Bible describes Abraham as the first patriarch of the Israelites.

    He is the one to whom God gave the blessing of descendants "like the sands of the sea" and the promise of a nation that would keep the ways