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CLEMSON VAULT: William The Refrigerator Perry
Monday 06/02/
It seems very unusual, but it’s funny how a major appliance’s name is part of Clemson football lore and tradition in the early 80s.
When you hear the words refrigerator or fridge with Clemson football, you automatically think of the one and only William Perry. The name William Perry and his monikers such as Refrigerator, Fridge and GE became household words all across America during his Clemson and professional career.
His name was just as popular as any celebrity and his fame wide spread. Football fan or not, everyone in the decade of the ’s heard of William “The Refrigerator” Perry.
William perry wifeThe big defensive lineman and his familiar smile became commonplace in television commercials, endorsements, and interviews on televisions, radio and newspaper. He was really bigger than life. Perry was a highly recruited athlete during his high school years. Fortunately for Tiger Nati