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(Robert Levin)
Lorenz’s knowledge of the Viennese archives is unparalleled, and his excellence and acuity as a scholar is exceeded, perhaps, only by his generosity in sharing what he finds and his willingness to dig into archival questions that have little or nothing to do with his own work.
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(Dexter Edge)
Before God and as an honest man I tell you that Lorenz is the greatest musical archivist known to me either in person or by name: He has total bibliographic control, and, furthermore, the most profound knowledge of sources.
(David J. Buch)
Lorenz is the leading Austrian scholar of his generation studying the social, cultural, biographical and political contexts of music of the late-18th and early 19th centuries. (Neal Zaslaw)
Michael Lorenz, an indefatigable detective of all things Moza