Shripal Morakhia: Check out the list of all Shripal Morakhia movies along with photos, videos, biography and birthday.
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‘I had played far too long with money’
Shripal Morakhia
Interview: Kripa Raman
Photo: Satish Malavade
Shripal Morakhia is running out of two resources; time and money.
The first, because he is prone to boredom. No venture holds his attention longer than six years (“The moment it starts turning into a business, I prefer to sell,” says the 54-year-old).
Shripal Morakhia.The second is loose change he made in 2007 through a Rs 1,250 cr deal when he sold investment banking unit SSKI and online share trading platform Sharekhan to IDFC and CitiVenture respectively.
What’s rarely in short supply are ideas - a toy library for India, the world’s largest dinosaur park for Ahmedabadis, and a grand multimedia Ramleela that introduces chariotborne visitors to Ram rajya ensconced in a 75,000 sq ft air-conditioned dome.
Broking, investment banking, film production (Bend it like Beckham and Monsoon Wedding), publishing (Amar