Paul albert gordon biography of michaels

Born in Melbourne on 14 August 1955, the “family business” turned out to be more than journalism....


Paul Gordan's father, David Gordan,was a merchant in Breslau, and his mother was Friedericke Friedenthal.

Michael Gordon (born July 20, 1956) is an American composer and co-founder of the Bang on a Can music collective and festival.

  • Michael Gordon (born July 20, 1956) is an American composer and co-founder of the Bang on a Can music collective and festival.
  • He was known for being a very good pool player.
  • Born in Melbourne on 14 August 1955, the “family business” turned out to be more than journalism.
  • He was born on May 6, 1931 to Michael Gordon and Mary Blissak of Butler, Pennsylvania.
  • Paul Austin started his career in journalism as a cadet on the Melbourne Herald and in the next 35 years he did it all: covering state politics, being Sydney.
  • Paul was educated in Breslau where he attended the Gymnasium, going on to study at the business school. At this stage Gordan was not heading for an academic career and he worked for several years in banks.

    He had, however, attended lectures by Kummer on number theory at the University of Berlin in 1855 and his interest in mathematics was strongly encouraged by N H Schellbach who acted as a private tutor to Gordan.

    His university career began at the University of Breslau but, as almost all German students did at this time, he undertook part of his university studies at different universities.

    Paul Gordon is noted as one of the best entertainers (with cards) in the business; as noted by Richard Sanders, Walt Lees, Jeff McBride and.

    Moving to Königsberg, Gordan studied under Jacobi, then he moved to Berlin where he began to become interested in problems concerning algebraic equations.

    Returning to the University of Breslau he submitted a dissertation on geodesics of spheroids in 1862.

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